Hi I'm back!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

21 rupanyaaa...

Happy Birthday!!


ps : rindu lepak tepi jalan -.-"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

23 rupanyaa..

Bila ajak borak

bila tanya ape nak buat kalau laptop masuk air =.="

Bila kena halau

bila tanya camne nak tuka gas sendiri

bila idm rosak

bila dia cakap benda yang aku tak paham >,<"

masa kecik kecik dulu..

 sekarang : abang bersama kakak ipar o,0"
 ok dah.
happy besday gmok..!!

tq sebab carry aku naik basikal masa kecik kecik pegi sekolah agama dulu -.-"

Friday, May 27, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

a little drain to dive in

There are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it is a mistake is to make that mistake and look back and say, 
"Yup, that was a mistake".

So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you'll go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not.

-Lily on How I met Your Mother.

make mistakes, break a heart, have your heart broken, be depressed, fall on the ground,being stabbed on your back, fail a lot of things, get jealous, get angry, get someone to shout at you, forced to cry, feel the longing, feel the emptiness,miss,missing,lose, get lost,go against the world, go down down downn.. get back to your feet

live the life,



learn some more.

be grateful of what you 'were' going through had made you what you 'are' now, a better you.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

semalam semalam dan hari ini

seharian berkepikiran
berdalih dalih menanti masa

sempat lagi aku menyepak budak yang tengah main semut di tepi pintu
dalam ruang rindu,aku dusta pada space bar.pilu tak diketahuan-kan.
dengan penuh kasih kejam.. sila braketkan 4 perkataan sebelum dua noktah.

sambil makan oren, tiap gambar dibelek satu satu.
datang satu digital megapixel menerkam jiwa,
air milo sejuk, memang kurang asam di pagi hari.

kadang terlintas
jika itu bukan milikku
bawalah ku jauh dari kilas hati.
jika memang sudah takdirnya terbuilt in dari azali,
ditulis di luh awan tertiggi,
dapat asus eeepad baru pun aku campak dalam kuali.

pok amai amai
belalang kupu kupu
walau hati gelora macam badai
biru sebiru laut pun boleh beku.

pegi atlantik cari sincaru,
apa kibod ni salah paham pulak =.="
malas dah a nak sambung ceni.haiz.
.pok satgi.

*tunggu orang hantar esaimen sambil jemur baju*